Vision, Mission and Goals

Study Programme Vision

In 2025, it will become a leading study programme in the field of electronic engineering technology in Indonesia and capable of producing vocational human resources, which are devout to the god, independent, intellectual, innovative and professional.

Study Programme Mission

  1. Organizing vocational education and teaching in the field of electronic engineering technology that is creative, innovative based on devotion, independence and intelligence;
  2. Carry out research that supports the development of vocational education, technology and engineering, products based on electronic engineering technology, and publishes research results.
  3. Apply electronic engineering technology development products for community empowerment in increasing productivity and welfare;
  4. Developing an academic atmosphere that is conducive to students who are creative, have personality, life skills, and technopreuneurship.
  5. Developing various resources and cooperation to support the achievement of the vision and mission of the study program.

Study Programme Goals

  1. Providing intermediate level experts in the field of electronic engineering who are independent, intellectual, innovative, creative based on devotion.
  2. Improving the quality of learning through creative, innovative learning by prioritizing the formation of disciplined, honest, responsible characters by respecting the values and norms that apply in society.
  3. Developing science and technology based on scientific studies and research for welfare and problem solving in society.
  4. Increasing the number and quality of cooperation with partners for quality learning and the absorption of graduates.